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How to get Sekiro Outfits | SHADOWS DIE TWICE



How to get Sekiro Outfits SHADOWS DIE TWICE

Outfits are cosmetic items that modify Sekiro’s clothes without affecting his stats or abilities. To obtain the three available outfits, players must complete the Gauntlets of Strength and beat the game once. This page contains a list of all outfits in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice the third-person action-adventure game offers gameplay that makes use of a combination of stealth and precise katana blows to poise and balance, which eventually leads to an opening that allows for a single killing blow.


The player takes control of a shinobi who was left for dead after his lord was kidnapped and his arm cut off by one of the leading samurai of the Ashina clan. Sekiro finds that he has been given a robotic arm to replace his lost limb, and sets out on a mission to take revenge.

Steps to download black Sekiro Outfits?

Download and install this mod by following the steps provided below.

  1. Download the Mod manager from here and extract it.
  2. Make a new folder called mods in your Sekiro installation folder (C:Program Files (x86)steamsteamappscommonSekiro by default), then copy dinput8.dll and modengine-ini to this new directory.
  3. Now download the black outfit mod
  4. Extract this mod and move “parts” folder into your newly created mods folder

How to get outfit?

After you defeat the final boss, you are rewarded with a new outfit. Once you complete two of the gauntlets of strength, you receive the remaining two.

If you are still struggling to download Sekiro Outfits then Click HERE


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